Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.
Methodology & Culture
7 Deadlier Sins of Craftsmanship
A peek into the black box - how to adopt Java Flight Recorder to improve non-functional testing
Architects Suck! Architecture Rocks!
Automated tests: You won't find it in a book!
Best practices from agile development: Why is positive thinking so important for software development?
Building a code review culture
Continuous reteaming
Developer’s Torment: The Documentation
Impostor syndrome - czyli hamulec rozwoju. Czym jest, czy dotyczy ciebie i jak sobie z nim radzić.
Living between Agile culture and DevOps mindset - how to make an impact and feel fulfilled at work.
My love-hate relationship with Android Studio
On being an effective developer
Ontrack, how to keep track of your CI/CD mess
Serverless Jenkins DevOps pipeline with K8s and Spark
Site Reliability Engineering & distributed services design
Stress Driven Development, and How to Avoid It
Talk to me nicely - how to communicate your ideas and speed up your career.
When human life depends on software - introduction to safety-critical systems
Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure
Advanced Serverless Architectural Patterns on AWS
Akka and Kubernetes, the beginning of a beautiful relationship
Automating your development experience with Atomist
Be a Kubernetes master without ever leaving your code, debugger, and IntelliJ
Centralized Logging Patterns
Cloud Native Application from Scratch
Deep Dive into Dockerfiles
Functions and Platforms and Containers, Oh My!
How and why we turned our old Java projects into first-class serverless components
Java, Turbocharged
Let’s develop on Prod! Wait! What?!
Serverless Java - Challenges and Triumphs
Serverless with Knative
Shipping Code like a keptn: Automating your Delivery Pipelines so you can focus on code
Taking Serverless to the Next Level
The Big Cloud Native FaaS Lebowski
The ultimate introduction to Kubernetes
Server Side Java
Move over JDBC: ADBA and R2DBC are coming!
Code Shrinking Techniques with Jakarta EE and MicroProfile #slideless
Java on ARM. Theory, Applications, and Workloads
Micronaut, Dragon-Slayer (Spring/boot) or just another framework
Multiplayer Pac-Man with RSocket
Polygot Java EE on the GraalVM
Quarkus - a next generation Java runtime
Real-world HTTP performance benchmarking, lessons learned
Resilient service-to-service calls in a post-Hystrix world
Spring Framework 5.2: Core Container Revisited
java.util.concurrent for Distributed Coordination
A Case for Outside-In Design
Coroutines and Reactive Programming - friends or foes?
Event Sourcing - You are doing it wrong
How to break an 18 yo monolith
Managing Business Processes in Microservice Architecture with Spring Ecosystem
Micro Frontends – a Strive for Fully Verticalized Systems
Reactive for the Impatient - A Gentle Intro to Reactive Programming and Systems (Java Edition)
Responsible Microservices
Testing Your Message-Driven Application
Thinking Architecturally
Java Language
Evolution of Visual Studio Code Java Ecosystem
Java. Migrating to 11 in real app
Orchestrating Robot Swarms with Java
Particle Accelerators and Java with Quarkus
Performance tuning Twitter services with Graal and Machine Learning
Reactive Relational Database Connectivity
The Future of Java is Today
Understanding Low Latency JVM GCs
Write better functional Java Code
Big Data & AI
Data Visualization, Processing and Machine Learning (on the JVM!) with Apache Zeppelin Notebooks
Harnessing Complex Event Processing for fraud detection
Is writing performant code too expensive?
Machine Learning at LinkedIn
Machine Learning: The Bare Math Behind Libraries
Semantic Event Sourcing: Case Study of Moving from CRUD to Log Based State Management
Small things make huge impact at big scale - lessons learned from creating a real-time personalization platform for 30M users
The Solr Tagger and So Much More Than Search