Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.
Erik Hatcher co-authored Lucene in Action (and Ant in Action), co-founded Lucidworks, and has spoken at numerous industry events, including Devoxx Antwerp once upon a time. Erik is a committer on several open source projects including Lucene/Solr and a Member of the Apache Software Foundation. He co-founded Lucidworks, promoting open source and solving challenging search problems.
See also
The Solr Tagger and So Much More Than Search
Erik Hatcher and Marcus Eagan from Lucidworks will be demoing a feature from the world's most widely adopted full-text search engine. Introducing the Solr Tagger, a lightning fast mechanism for naive entity extraction. Through a demo of the Tagger and an explanation of how the Tagger works, Erik and Marcus will demonstrate how Solr can power more than search applications.