AOG-8833 A Case for Outside-In Design | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

   A Case for Outside-In Design


Intermediate level
Room 1 Tuesday from 11:30 til 12:20

Software architecture should enable business agility, but often it does not happen because the mismatch between product design and software architecture. In this talk Sandro will describe how a software design approach, focused on behaviour and also driven from the external interactions and business flows, can enable a better collaboration between business and technology. This talk shows techniques (used in real projects) to bring product and software design together, at the same time, produce an Agile architecture that is more resilient, focused and fully aligned to business goals.

architecture   software designs   craftsmanship  
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Sandro Mancuso
Sandro Mancuso
From Codurance

Co-Founder of Codurance, author of The Software Craftsman, and founder of the London Software Craftsmanship Community.

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