GBL-9976 Java. Migrating to 11 in real app | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

   Java. Migrating to 11 in real app


Java Language
Java Language
Beginner & novice level
Room 2 Monday from 14:40 til 15:30

It's (post) Java 11 time now. In this talk, I'd like to tell you how I managed to migrate two real Java server apps to Java 11. Why it was done, what and how was done, what wasn't required. Some hints for you.

Java 11   migration   migration path   Modules  
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Piotr PrzybyƂ
Piotr PrzybyƂ
From @piotrprz

Notorious engineer at work and after hours, tracing meanders of the art of software engineering. Software Gardener, mostly working in web-oriented Java gardens. Fan of agility, seen mostly as choosing the right tools and approaches. Lead developer, trainer and conference speaker.

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