Xiaokai He | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

Xiaokai is the program manager working on Java developer tools and services at Microsoft. He’s currently focusing on making Visual Studio Code great for Java developers and supporting Java in various of cloud services in Azure.

See also https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/tag/java/

Evolution of Visual Studio Code Java Ecosystem


People love Visual Studio Code for its superfast performance, lightweight nature and active open source community around it. All of these are now available for Java developers by extensions contributed by individuals and companies such as Red Hat, Microsoft and Pivotal. By combining a couple independent extensions, you can create a lightweight working environment just for your Java workload yet powerful enough to almost match the feature richness of existing IDEs.

This sessions shows how you can use Visual Studio Code to develop your Java application. It guides you through all the available extensions so you can later explore then base on your own needs. The session will also introduce how to easily push your Java microservices to cloud within the editor itself.

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