Maarten Mulders | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

Passionate architect, senior developer and trainer. Passionate about "building the right thing" and "building the thing right". Focusing on lean and elegant solutions. Love to share new ideas and knowledge. Outside work, I appreciate creating and consuming good food, photography, and music, in no particular order.

See also

Building a DSL with GraalVM


GraalVM is a virtual machine that can run many languages on top of the Java Virtual Machine. It comes with support for JavaScript, Ruby, Python... And you can even run your own language!

In this session we'll discover what it takes to run another language in GraalVM. Using GraalVM, we don't only get a fast runtime, but we'll also get great tooling support. With Brainfuck as an example, we'll see how we can run guest languages inside Java applications. It might not bring us profit, but at least it will bring some fun.

Make sure to download the Android or iOS mobile schedule.