GGR-3148 Harnessing integration testing with Docker containers | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

   Harnessing integration testing with Docker containers


Methodology & Culture
Methodology & Culture
Beginner & novice level
Room 2 Tuesday from 18:10 til 18:35

Unit testing is pure and simple. However, some things cannot be tested that way or testing them in separation is just not feasible. In that case integration/functional tests are knocking to our doors, dragging all those limitations and complexity along. Databases, message brokers, external systems and more to struggle... Nevertheless, there are tools which can help to take it under control.

During my talk I will provide a quick introduction to managing Docker containers during your integration/functional testing lifecycle. The Testcontainers library in cooperation with JUnit/Spock will be used to cover a few most common use cases.

testing   Containers   Docker   Integration testing  
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Marcin Zajączkowski
Marcin Zajączkowski
From IT Expert & Trainer

Areas of expertise: ✔ Automatic Testing / TDD ✔ Software Craftsmanship / Code Quality ✔ Concurrency / Reactive Systems ✔ Continuous Delivery

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