OZI-7352 Build rich web application in Java(Script) without NPM/Node.js dependencies. | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

   Build rich web application in Java(Script) without NPM/Node.js dependencies.


Modern Web
Modern Web
Beginner & novice level
Room 5 Wednesday from 12:30 til 12:45

I will present a ready prescription how to build modern web interfaces in Java projects without using building frameworks provided by the NPM / JavaScript stack. Get Maven to work and be independent from Node.js, NPM and other unfriendly technologies.

Java   NPM   web development   Maven Projects   Babel  
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Milosz Polak
Milosz Polak

Software developer with over 10 years of experience, a tireless seeker of the simplest solutions. Because nothing will spoil your mood, just like the needlessly intricate source code.

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