LXR-4587 What Drives Your Development? | Devoxx

Devoxx Poland 2019
from Monday 24 June to Wednesday 26 June 2019.

   What Drives Your Development?


Methodology & Culture
Methodology & Culture
Intermediate level
Room 2 Monday from 12:40 til 12:55

Do you practice TDD? What about BDD? What about H (Hypothesis) DD?

Did you know that SDD (Stackoverflow Driven Development) is a thing? What about Fowler Driven Development or Marketing Driven Development?

I spent some time working with some colleagues on the A to Z of *DD. The result was a full alphabet of things that at least one of us had experienced during our careers. Some serious, some less so, some good, some undeniably indifferent to bad to plain stupid.

But out of all of this I wondered what should REALLY drive our development? In this lightning trip around the alphabet of absurdity I will tell you the one guiding principal that we should all stick to when deciding what should drive our development.

methodology   culture   inspiration   plans  
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James Birnie
James Birnie
From ThoughtWorks

James has worked in software delivery since the 1990s when TDD was something you studied but never did, pipelines were for carrying oil and Agile and Lean were words you used to describe athletes.

James worked in a startup for 9 years where he learnt about Agile transformations and breaking up the monolith the hard way, through bitter experience. In 2015 he started a new life as a ThoughtWorks consultant and now finds himself disappointed, shocked and delighted in almost equal measure every day.

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